Club Outreach

Known at the clubs as the “Church Ladies,” Alabaster Jar INDY (AJI) Volunteers laden with thoughtfully prepared gifts and the sincerest of smiles, enter the dimly lit lounges of local dance clubs, immediately besieged by the pulsating music permeating the room.

Generally welcomed, volunteers offer the doormen, DJ, and manager their favorite energy drinks, wrapped with Scripture labels. Dancers just arriving, head off to the dressing room, preparing for their evening, while others already in the lounge mingle with clients or are waiting their turn to dance on the stage.

Gifts are readily received while conversations begin with dancers and bartenders available to talk. Some chats are short with mere introduction type dialog, but very often others lead to discussing deep needs and personal pain. Prayer is offered to those who desire it.

Given time and consistency, we strive to build trust with those we repeatedly encounter. When and if phone numbers are exchanged, we follow-up with texts or phone calls, offering to meet outside the club with anyone who desires further contact and help.

Desiring to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we offer unconditional love and hope of the Gospel as we extend grace.

Outreach times: First and Third Sundays of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Online Outreach

Research shows the demand for social distancing in 2020 dramatically increased the online sex industry by forcing up to 80% of sexually exploited women underground to the internet.

Yet gaining the trust necessary for personal outreach presents unique challenges online compared to our experience in the clubs and on the streets.

Consequently, AJI created a collaborative ministry, known as Winsomely Beautiful (WB), to reach vulnerable women online and pairs the experience of AJI texting with professional marketing technology.

WB produces online resources offering hope and tangible help for women where they are — as they are.

Texts campaign funnels are easily accessed on a website housing self-produced topics of interest intended to engage the trust of the women they text.
WB develops online relationships with at-risk women with the goal of meeting them face to face in a neutral setting

This Winsomely Beautiful approach is designed to cultivate personal relationships, so together, we can walk a journey towards healing and spiritual freedom for those women who respond.

Many of the same materials presented online through WB are made available in print, giving AJI additional resources to share with the women they meet on the streets and in the clubs.

To learn more about AJI’s collaboration with WB, go to

Street Outreach

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

This is the message we wish to convey during our outreach to vulnerable women on the streets of Indianapolis. We offer a gift with a Bible verse attached along with a smile and a hug. We offer compassion and hope for those who may find themselves homeless, sexually exploited, addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, or perhaps estranged from family and children.

While building relationships, we make them aware of local agency resources and provide crisis intervention when needed. Ephesians 4:2 tells us to, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Our greatest joy is to love and faithfully serve the women we meet on the streets as Christ unconditionally loves and cares for each of us.

Outreach times: Every Wednesday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Prayer Outreach

Prayer is our constant resource! As a ministry of our local church, AJI is passionate about prayer.

The international founder of Alabaster Jar in Berlin, as well as our current founder and director here in the United States, are both inspirational examples of lives firmly grounded in prayer. It was only natural that AJI should establish a deep commitment to prayer concerning this ministry — before, during, and after our Sunday evening outreaches.

We welcome you to be a part of our prayer team! Currently, we serve together every other Sunday evening, during both the texting and club outreach.
While laboring with the texting outreach, we pray at the office in which we meet. During club outreach, we pray in a vehicle parked at the club’s lot, observing activity going in and out of the club doors, as well as praying for requests conveyed by text from the team inside.

A challenge, yes, but such a delight to experience rich fellowship with the Lord and with each other —especially as we witness the Lord’s gracious answers to our prayers — sometimes in the very moment they are spoken!