Our VISION is to passionately pursue women and underage girls in the sex industry for the purpose of presenting Christ’s love. A simple message of grace – a beautiful exchange, conveyed with every random act of kindness given.
Our MISSION is to help women and underage girls in the sex industry experience the sweet aroma of Jesus’ love by interacting with them in the most common venues of exploitation in Central Indiana, such as strip clubs, social media and on the streets. We want to actively demonstrate Christ’s love to every woman we meet, just as He so beautifully displayed His love for the woman in Luke 7:36-50. We desire to see Christ transform lives through grace, – a beautiful exchange, and write stories of those who no longer experience sexual exploitation or slavery. Redeeming love values each one’s dignity and worth, so we care for everyone’s holistic needs addressing issues such as safety, health, personal and spiritual growth, job opportunities, and sense of community.